Minggu, 08 Juni 2014


 This chapter will discuss background of the study,  problem of the study,  purpose of the study, significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study  and definition of the key terms.
 A.  Background of the Study  The  reform  of  national  education  system  is  carried  out  to  meet  national  education  visions;  that  is  the  educational  system  as  a  strong  and  reliable  social  institution  for  facilitating  the  development  of  all Indonesian  citizens  who  have  good quality in all aspects, so that they will be able to face the challenge of the era  which  tends  to  change  .  Concerning  with  those  visions,  it  has  been  set  up a  number of principals of  the educational operation as basic in  accomplishing the  reform of national education.
 In  line  with  the  presence  of  the  educational  reformation,  the  responses  given by the schools are through paying attention to educational implementation  which is done at school, they are the learning process done in class. This attention  is  employed  by  changing  the  teaching  paradigm  (old  paradigm)  to  learning  paradigm (new paradigm).

 In the 21st century, this is signed by the basic change in all of life aspects,  especially  the  change  in  politic,  law  and  economic  have  created  the  very   Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan, Peraturan menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 41 Tahun  2007, Standar proses Untuk satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, hlm. 5  significant  change  in  educational  system  in  Indonesia.  In  2003,  it  has  been  approved  the  Law  Number  20,  2003  on  national  education  system.  This  has  created a significant impact to the change of curriculum system in Indonesia.
 37th  section  of  the  law  on  national  education  system  states  that  social  science (IPS) is an obligatory content which must in curriculum of primary and  junior high school. The one of implementation of the law certainty is the creation  of  the  government  regulation  number  19,  2005  on  the educational  national  standards (SNP). This government regulation gives adirective about the important  of  arrangement  and  application  of  the  educational  national  standard.  There  are  eight  standards.  Those  are  content  standard,  process  standard,  graduation  competency standard, teacher and educational labor standard, instrument standard,  management standard, funding standard and educational evaluation standard.
 The  certainty  about  the  implementation  of  the  law  and  regulation  is  the  creation of a policy about the educational unity level curriculum (KTSP) and the  national  education  minister  regulation  (Permendiknas)  Number  22,  2006  on  content standard and the national education minister regulation number 23 in 2006  about graduation competency standard (SKL) with theKTSP guidance which is  created by educational national standard agency (BSNP). Then in 2007, it is also  creates  the  national  education  minister  regulation  number  41  about  process  standard  According  to  the  mandate  of  implementation  of  educational  unity  level  curriculum  (KTSP)  explained  in  national  education  minister  regulation  (Permendiknas)  number  22,  2006  on  content  standards and  national  education  minister regulation number 41, 2007 on process standards explaining the learning  process. In the content standard has been explainedthat the application of natural  science  (IPA)  and  social  science  (IPS)  for  elementary  and  primary  school  is  applied in integrated way. In relation to the learning process it has been explained  in process standard.
 This  integrated  natural  and  social  learning  is  as  the  implementation  of  curriculum suggested to be implemented for primary  school (SD/MI) up to junior  high school (SMP/ MTs) level  . However, learning process of social subject (IPS) of SMP/ MTs is not fully implemented in integrated  way in its implementation.
 Moreover, it is still applied separately. It means  that competency standards (SK)  and  base  competency  (KD)  achievement  of  social  subject  are  still  implemented  based  on  each  study  such  as  sociology,  history,  geography,  politics,  economics,  law and culture.
 From  the  interview  done  by  the  researcher  to  Mr.  Yaqub  as  one  of  the  social science teachers and vice principal of curriculum field in MTsN. Balen of  Bojonegoro, he said:  MTs  N  Balen  sudah  menerapkan  IPS  Terpadu,  meskipun  MTs lain belum berani melaksanakannya. Sebenarnya, sulit  juga  untuk  melaksanakannya  karena  ada  beberapa  guru yang tidak siap untuk menyampaikan materi secara terpadu.
 Tetapi,  guru  harus  dipaksa  hingga  mereka  mampu  melaksanakan  IPS  Terpadu  meskipun  masih  mengalami  kesulitan” (Interview on November 27, 2009).
  Departemen Pendidikan Nasional-Badan penelitian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan NasionalPusat Kurikulum, Model Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu, hlm. 4  From  the  case  study,  the  researcher  can  draw  a  conclusion  that  the  application  of  learning  process  of  social  science  has  not  fully  been  applied  in  integrated way at schools of Bojonegoro. The question will arise then, how are the  others MTs that does not apply Social science in integrated way? Will they keep  applying social science separately toward the limitation of teachers’ competence?  Based on the elaboration above, the research on “The Implementation of  Integrated  Social  Science  Instruction  at  MTsN.  Balen  of  Bojonegoro” is  important to do. It is because we need to solve theproblems of learning process  implementation  of  an  integrated  social  science.  The researcher  chooses  MTs.N  Balen  of  Bojonegoro  because  the  school  is  under  the leadership  of  the  religion  department  (DEPAG)  that  applies  social  science  learning  process  in  integrated  way. MTs.N Balen of Bojonegoro has good enough human resources as well, in  which the teachers have postgraduate degree.
 To limit and broaden the study of the research, theresearcher only focuses on the  design and the implementation of learning process of an integrated social science.
 The  evaluation  of  learning  result  and  the  observation  of  learning  process  explained in process standard.
 B.  Research questions  Based on the study above, the researcher puts questions as follow:  1.  How  the  concept  of  integrated  social  science  that  is  implemented  in  MTsN.
 Balen?  2.  How is the implementation of an integrated social science in MTsN. Balen?  3.  What are the strategies applied by MTsN. Balen to overcome the obstacles of  implementation of an integrated social science?  4.  What  are  the  factors  being  the  obstacles  of  implementation  of  an  integrated  social science in MTsN. Balen?  
C.  Purposes of the study  `   Based on the research questions above, the objective of the research is as  follows:  1.  To  explain  the  concept  of  integrated  social  science that  is  implemented  in  MTsN. Balen  2.  To explain the implementation of an integrated  social science instruction in  MTsN. Balen  3.  To identify the strategies applied by MTsN. Balen to overcome the obstacles  in the implementation of an integrated social science instruction  4.  To identify the factors being obstacle in the implementation of an integrated  social science instruction in MTsN. Balen  D.  Significance of the study  1.  Theoritical advantage  The  result  of  this  research  is  expected  to  be  able  give  advantage  for  science development, especially in integration instruction. Besides that, the result  of this research can be a reference in develop the curriculum in primary and junior  high school, especially in social science.
 2.  Practical advantage  This research is expected to be able to give advantages for:  1.  Religion Department  The  Result  of  the  research  is  expected  to  be  the  references  for  Religion  Department  to  formulate  guidelines  for  implementation  of  an  integrated  social science in Islamic Junior High School (MTs)  2.  MTsN. Balen  The result of the research is expected to be able to be used by social science  teacher in MTsN. Balen in developing the implementation of social science.
 3.  Islamic Junior High School (other schools)  The result of the research is expected to be used by other Islamic Junior High  School (MTs) which has not applied yet the implementation of social science  in integrated way as the references.
 4.  Next Researcher  The result of the research is expected to be the references to develop research  in an integrated study in primary and high school level.
 E.  Scope and limitation of study The researcher focuses this research on the implementation of integrated  social  science  instruction  at  MTsN.  Balen  of  Bojonegoro.  This  research  is  conducted in MTsN. Balen Bojonegoro on jl. PUK III number 529.
 F.  Definition of the key terms  In  order  to  avoid  misunderstanding  of  the  reader,  it  is  very  important  to  define the key terms used in this research, it is:  An integrated social science instruction  According  to  Sapriya,  the  term  “social  science”  (IPS)  is  the  name  of  a  lesson in elementary and primary school or the nameof a program in college. It  usually called “social studies” in abroad school, especially in Australia and USA.
 “Social science” has known since 1970s in Indonesia. It is as an agreement  result  of  academic  community  and  formally  it  has  used  in  national  education  system since 1 th curriculum. In document of 1 th curriculum, social science  (IPS) is name of an integration lesson of history,  geography, economics and other  social science.
 The  curriculum  center  puts  the  definition  of  social science  is  a  lesson  which its source is from society social life. The source is selected by using social  science  concepts  used  for  the  learning  importance.  According  to  Nursid  in  a  document  of  curriculum  development,  he  has  an  opinion  that  the  purposes  of  social  science  lesson  are  to  develops  the  students’ potency  in  order  to  sensitive  with  the  social  problems  in  societies,  the  students have  positive  mental  for  improvement of all of imbalance, the students are also able to solve every daily  problems both in their selves and the societies  The curriculum center also explain that social science (IPS) is integration  from  some  social  science  branch,  such  as  sociology, history,  geography,  economics, politics, law and culture. The social science is formulated based on the  reality and social phenomenon, in which create a interdisciplinary approach from  aspect and branches of social science (sociology, history, geography, economics,  politic, law and culture). Social science (IPS) is part of school curriculum which is  descended from the material contents of social science branch, such as: sociology,  history,  geography,  economics,  politic,  anthropology,  philosophy  and  social  psychology. The integration of social science branches is drawn as follow:  Picture 1: The integration of social science branches  (Adopt from Curriculum Center)  The integration of social science (IPS) in this research is the integration of  some  branches  only,  appropriate  with  arranged  lesson  in  social  science  (IPS)  curriculum  in  primary  school.  They  are  economics,  sociology,  geography  and  history.  According  to  the  government  mandate  in  the content  standard  that  the  four lessons is applied by integrated not separately.
 Social Science  Anthropology  Sociology  Geography  History  Philosophy  Social  psychology  Economics  Politics  CHAPTER TWO  A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE  This  chapter  will  explain  some  reviews  of  the  literature  based  on  the  problems of the study. This review of the literatures will be used as base to answer  the research question. The review of literatures contains of the meaning of social  science,  the  meaning  of  integrated  learning,  the  meaning  of  integrated  social  science, the learning mode of integrated social science and the implementation on  integrated social science instruction.
 A.  The meaning of social science  The  “social  science”  term  in  Indonesia  has  known  since  in  1970s  as  an  agreement  result  of  academic  community.  Formally,  it  has  used  on  national  educational  system  curriculum  since  in  1975.  The  curriculum  document  explain  that social science is one of the name of a lesson  gave in primary and junior high  school. Social science (IPS) is an integration fromsome social science discipline,  such as: Sociology, History, Geography, Economics, Politics, Law and Culture.
  The  “social  science”  term  is  also  called  “social  studies”.  This  term  is  known in abroad. Firstly, the “social studies” termwas in the  National Herbart  Society  papers  of  1896-1897.  This  stated  that  social  studies  as  a  delimiting  the  social science for pedagogical use. Then this meaning be a basic in the document  “Statement of the Chairman of Committee on Social Studies”. The document state  that social studies as a specific field to utilization of social science data as a force  in  the  improvement  of  human  welfare.  This  definition  has  same  meaning  from  Heber Newton. He says that social studies as a specially selected from the social  sciences  for  the  purpose  of  improving  the  lot  or  the  poor  and  suffering  urban  worker  .
  Wesley  (in  Sapriya)  says  that  the  social  studies  are  the  social  sciences  simplified for pedagogical purposes. This definition was more popular because it  is become a legal definition. In 1993, the NationalCouncil for the Social studies  (NCSS) formulated social studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and  humanities  to  promote  civic  competence.  Within  the  school  program,  social  studies provides coordinated, systematic study drawing upon such disciplines as  anthropology,  archeology,  economics,  geography,  history,  law,  philosophy,  political  science,  psychology,  religion  and  sociology,  as  well  as  appropriate  content  from  the  humanities,  mathematics  and  natural  science.  The  primary  purpose  of  social  studies  is  to  help  young  people  develop  the  ability  to  make  informed  and  reasoned  decision  for  the  public  good  as  citizens  of  a  culturally  diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
  There are some explanations of social science disciplines:  1.  Anthropology  According  to  the  scientific  dictionary,  anthropology  is  the  research  of  human and their living. Anthropology is also studies about the cultural on all of  technology development level. Anthropology divides on some specialization, such   Sapriya, Pendidikan IPS Konsep dan Pembelajaran, PT. Remaja Rosda Karya, 2009, hlm. 9  as  social  anthropology,  ethnography,  language  anthropology,  physical  anthropology, archeology and primatology.
 2.  Economy  Economy  is  a  science  investigating  about  household  regulation.  An  investigation  about  the  scarcity  of  the  sources  to  fulfill  the  no  limited  human  necessary. Economy divides on micro economic and macroeconomic.
 3.  Geography  Geography is earth science. The expert study about  earth surface how the  human influence the physical environment and on thecontrary.
 4.  History  History is an investigation study about human living in the past time. The  expert  is  interested  to  study  about  the  human  activities  such  as  politics,  laws,  military, social, religion, creativity, science andintellectual.
 5.  Politics  Politics is state science. This studies about public policy. Specially, this is  study about the government levels and the government functions.
 6.  Psychology  The  psychiatrists  investigate  the  attitude  of  an  individual.  They  study  about learning, growing, developing, thinking, feeling, group attitude, personality  development and abnormal attitude.
 7.  Sociology  Sociology investigates about human attitude in groups. Primary purpose of  sociology is social relation of human.
 B.  The meaning of integrated instruction  The integrated instruction is the integration of some disciplines. This is a  learning system that enables the students able to find the concept. Besides that, the  students  get  direct  experiences  by  the  integrated  instruction.  They  can  force  to  accept, save, and produce the impressions what theylearned.
 To reach the purpose above, the integrated that instruction can be applied  by integrate dthe curriculum. Integrated curriculumis curriculum that integrates a  number of disciplines through content, skills and affective goal  . A major reason  for  integration  of  subjects  in  instruction  was  that in  life,  most  problems  and  experiences are interdisciplinary in nature; and weuse a multiplicity of skills to  learn from experiences and to solve everyday problems, no matter how simple or  complex  they  may  be.  The  emphasis  in  school  on  subject  matter  serves  only  to  make school irrelevant to students, who see little  connection between what they  learn in school and what they do outside of school.Thus, an integrated curriculum  is more to the lives of the students. This should help them to relate closely to the  content and provide more intrinsic motivation for them than a traditional subjectcentered curriculum.
  Bruce M. Frazee & Rose Ann Rudnitski, Integrated Teaching Methods .Theory, classroom  applications, and field-based connections. Delmar Publisher, 1995, p. 133.
 The superiorities of integrated instruction are  :  1.  There are some possibilities to understanding between the disciplines because  this  focuses  on  the  content  of  the  lesson,  thinking strategy,  social  skill  and  other ideas.
 2.  One  lesson  can  relates  with  many  dimension  until  the  students  reach  and  develop more and more in teaching and learning.
 3.  Motivate the students to study  4.  Give attention on important field in one time  5.  Teaching  and  learning  time  is  more  effective  and  efficient  because  the  teachers do not need to reply the materials.
 6.  The students have large describing about the learned materials.
 7.  The  students  can  develop  the  key  concepts  through  until  the  internalization  process happened.
 8.  The  students  able  to  study,  make  concepts,  improve, assimilate  the  ideas  in  solve the problems.
 C.  The Meaning of Integrated Social Science Integrated  social  science  (IPS  Terpadu)  is  a  learning  program  arranged  from  some  social  science.  They  are  sociology,  history,  geography,  economics,  politic,  culture  and  law.

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