Kamis, 03 Juli 2014


In this research there are five chapters presented. This contains  background of study, statement of the problem, objective of the study,  significance of the study, scope and limitation of the study, and definition of the  key terms. Each section is discussed clearly as follows: 1.1Background of  the Study In literary world, some people do everything began with their imagination.
They pour their mind, ideas into a language. In such, most of authors use an  imagination or connotation words asa new way to look at things in the world that  are difficult to be described.An author uses connotation words to achieve a  beautiful meaning in which the reader will feel interesting even enjoy to read. As  William Shakespeare who is perfected using imaginative words in his famous  plays. In fact, everything which is used in the pouring of imagination is born from  human embodiment or what human experience and how human experience it.

As the theory related to explanation above,the thesis ‘on the Nature of  Lexical Concept’(see Evans 2004; Evans and Green 2006; Johnson 1987; Lakoff  1987; Lakoff and Johnson 1999) said that forms of expression, such as art, make  use of the human symbolic ability, which relies upon the conceptual system, it  follows that artistic expression must reflect the nature of human embodiment, and  thus bodily experience. One way in which art manifests itself is through language,     particularly literary language. Here it will be concerned with one form of literary  languages which takes namely figurative language.
Figurative language means a way of saying something other than the  literal meaning of the words. It discusses about meaning which is different from  the literal interpretation. It is supported by the theory that figurative or  imaginative language is the sentences fall outside the domain of normal literal  language (Lakoff and Johnson, 1980: 53). Figurative language according to M.H.
Abrahams, is a deviation from what speakers of language apprehend as the  ordinary, or standard, significance or sequence of words, in order to achieve some  special meaning of effect (Abrahams, 1981: 45).
Figurative language is one type of lexical meanings which part of  Semantic. As we know that semantic is study about meaning in language. So, this  also has the same purpose that learning figurative language means learning  meaning in language. Learning figurative language is different from learning other  study. It can be looked when we did a process in giving meaning in sentences,  absolutely any enjoyable feeling will appear. That happens because we can see  hidden meaning which include in the unique sentences.
Something which make learning figurative language is interesting, that  using figurative language will appear the imply meaning which builds the  meaning of sentences become more fresh or live. This case is supported by the  theory that figurative language is not the only way to say what is meant, there is  already a more direct and cognitively simple expression denoting approximately  the same entity (compare, for instance, to reveal a secret, to spill the beans, to     become angry, to hit the ceiling or to deal successfully with a problem, and also to  clear a hurdle) (Dmitrij Dobrovol’skil and Elisabeth Pirainen, 2005:18).
Figurative language also can be a challenge on People who are learning English as  a second language then they will find many types of figurative language because  of their vocabulary limitations. That is why the researcher wants to take the  figurative language in the Al-Quir’an as the object of research. So far, the  researcher explains about subject research in the Al-Qur’an and also something  interesting in it below.
In reality, most of the sentences in the Al-Qur’an use figurative language.
For instance;  He said: O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had  informed them of their names, He said: Did I tell you that I know the  secret of the heavens and the earth?And I know that which ye disclose  and which ye hide. (Al-Baqoroh:33)  In the sentence O Adam! Inform them of their names, and when he had  informed them of their names, He said: Did I tell you that I know the secret  of the heavens and the earth?. It means that Allah asked Adam to say for the  mankind about the names of things, and then Allah asked to say that He is only  the one Lord who creates and know all everything before and after life in the  world. From the meaning of the sentence above, the researcher tries to follow  translator’s way in arrangement the sentence. The sentence is addressed pointedly  Adam which is clearly stated by the word ‘O Adam’. So, it is categorized into  apostrophe form.
   Al-Quran is the Holy book for Muslims in the world. Al-Quran has 30 juz,  114 Surah which all the Surah have many uniqueness and usages. Al-Quran has  superpower in every Surah, every sentence, and every word. In doing the research,  researcher chooses one Surah of the Holy Qur’an which has uniqueness in the  English translation. Concerning to those, researcher chooses one Surah exactly  Al-Baqarah as the subject of research.
Al-Baqoroh is the Surah which great. Al-Baqoroh has sobriquet as Surah  of wealth by Prophet Muhammad because of its great usages. Al-Baqoroh has  beautiful words arrangement. Most of verse Al-Baqoroh has meaning which is  implied through the sentences. The words which are used in the English  translation of surah Al-Baqoroh has more imply meanings and messages. The  words which are used contain parables.
Many English translators of Al-Qur’an who existed, but the researcher  choses Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall’s translation because his  translation is more simple and understandable. Under the service of the Nizam of  Hyderabad, Pickthall published his translation of the Qur’an, becoming the first  English translation done by a Muslim and authorized by the Al-Azhar University,  referred to by the times literary supplement as “A Great Literary Achievement”.
There are several previous studies which are relevant with this topic.
Those are Zaman (2005), his study entitled “A Study on the Figurative Language Usee by Football Host on RCTI”. He found that figures of speech can turn up  wherever and whenever. Vyvyan Evans and Jörg Zinken (2006), with the title  “Figurative Language in a Modern Theory of Meaning Construction: A Lexical     Concepts and Cognitive Models Approach”. He found that there is a relation  between art, body, and embodiment as basis on figurative language. Samsul Huda  (2007), his studied entitled “An Analysis on the Traits of Figurative Language  Used by Pranatacara in the Javanese Wedding Ceremony”. He found that  Javanese wedding ceremonies contain a lot of verbal symbols in the form of  figures of speech. The last previous is Ulfa Zain (2010) with the title “Semantic  Study od Fgures of Speech Used in Short Story…”. She discussed there are  sixteen types of figures of speech which are applied appropriately and accurately.
All researches above using figurative language as the same topic. All of  them applied figurative language in human works. As Zaman (2005), Ulfa Zain  (2010), Evans and Zinken (2006) all of them said that figurative language only  found in literary of human’s works in common. Thus, it is contradictory with this research.
Here, the researcher will approve with theory that figurative language  which is classified into two types of study;rethoric-tropesand figures. In general,  tropesis a device that involves meaning, and a figureone that involves  expression, but the terms are not always clearly distinguished (Dennis 1996:61),  that figurative language also can be found in Al-Qur’an as one of the holy books  in the world. In which Al-Qur’an is one of the God’s works not human’s works.
The researcher research the Al-Qur’an because there haven’t the previous  research which focuses figurative language on Al-Qur’an yet.
   1.2 Statement of the Problem The research problems are formulated as follows: 1. What types of figurative language are used in the English translation of Surah “Al-Baqoroh“ by M. Marmaduke Pickthall? 2. How are each types of figurative language used in the English translation  of Surah “Al-Baqoroh“ by M. Marmaduke Pickthall? 3. What is the most dominant kind of figures of speech used in the English  translation of Surah “Al-Baqoroh“ by M. Marmaduke Pickthall?
1.3 Objective of the Study The objective of the study are as follows:  1. To find out the types of figurative language used in the English translation  of surah “Al-Baqoroh“ by M. Marmaduke Pickthall.
2. To describe the way of each type of figurative languages which are used in  in the English translation of surah “Al-Baqoroh“ by M. Marmaduke  Pickthall.
3. To find out the meaning of the English translation of surah “Al-Baqoroh“  by M. Marmaduke Pickthall through the most dominant kind of figures of  speech used.
   1.4 Significance of the Study The main purpose of this study is to investigate about meanings which are involved in the English translation of surah Al-Baqoroh by M. Marmaduke  Pickthall through figurative language. Through M. Marmaduke Pickthall's  translation, researcher is going to provide meanings which are involved in it easily  to be understood. From the figurative language perspective, the researcher can  appear meanings which are presented in the translation. So, after knowing this  research people are expected to understand Al-quran not only from the literal  meaning but also the imply meaning.
Researcher expects this study is useful for those who want to know  meanings which are presented in some sentences containing figurative language  by surah Al-Baqoroh. In the other hand, researcher also hopes this study will be  useful for other researcher.
1.5 Scope and Limitation of the Study  The researcher focuses the study on appearing meanings through  figurative language discussion which is based on (Dennis 1996:61) simile,  metaphor, metonymy, hyperbole, climax, irony, litotes, oxymoron, synecdoche,  aposipesis, pun, exclamation, apostrophe, antithesis, parenthesis, periphrasis,  chiasmus, onomatopoeia, and parison. Furthermore, the researcher uses the  English translation by M. Marmaduke Pickthall.
For the limitation, the researcher limits to investigate the research only in  sentences containing figurative language in the English translation of surah AlBaqoroh (juz 1) by M. Marmaduke Pickthall based on the Dennis’ theory.
   1.6 Definition of Key Terms 1. Figurative language :Sentences fall outside the domain of normal literal  language. A deviation from what speakers of language  apprehend as the ordinary, or standard, significance or  sequence of words, in order to achieve some special  meaning of effect (Abrahams, 1981: 45).
2. Al-Baqoroh :One of the surah of Al-Qur’an explains about  confirmation, abjuration, and verification verses  descended upon the messenger for rejoinder the  disbelievers’ refusal.

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