Rabu, 14 Mei 2014


A.       Background
Boarding school is an educational institution of indigenous native to Indonesia and is deeply rooted in the history of civilization of Indonesia, which manifest themselves in the form of his form as a parameter, a factor that characterizes the lives of the people of Indonesia thick, but he   himself never changed and as if untouched by   the dynamics of the times . Even the common problems found private boarding school that is difficult to talk about reform and social change (modernization), elusive worldview and therefore people are reluctant to talk about it. As a result, the general public view the Islamic world as a symbol of backwardness and closure.

 In addition, less boarding school has a high power responsive to the demands and the times, plus other factors are very diverse, making products boarding school less ready to "melt" and the coloring of modern life. It is not surprising that the students appear self-image when compared with today's demands, is a picture of themselves with very limited capabilities. Such limited   capabilities so that the roles   which may only be done like   Nurcholish Madjid, chambers Islamic School, (New York: Paramadina, 1997), p.
 Zamakhsyari Dhofier, Pesantren Tradition, (New York: Library LP3ES, 1982), p.
additional less significant on the edges of society and the entire system is less touched let alone affect the nucleus and the core shaft community development.
 Even if we look at lembagalembaga society at large, it seems that is capable of affecting the same time meet the needs of the community and the real challenge is not an educational institution such as a boarding school.
Those who are in a boarding school environment shows an inferiority complex in the face of modernity roles. In the realm of national education, boarding school turned out to be beyond the lines which are taken into account in development plans, even the general public   see   the Islamic world still lies in the   sector   is underdeveloped. However, if we associate with clerics who can represent the world called   boarding schools,   then we will   come across   a   fact that may be surprising, that they thought that it actually has intensified with the outside world and many of them are fully aware of what was going on and expanded beyond Islamic world.
Meanwhile Geertz extreme, illustrates the religious life of the boarding school is only about the interests of the hereafter which aims to reward and think more about their fate after death.
 In other words, according to Geertz, the life of   a religious   lodge   boarding   only   masalahmasalah keakheratan oriented and worship to God in preparing   Drs. Wahid A. Zaini, The Thought World Pupils, (New York: NU LKPSM DIY, 1994). Thing.
life after death. Of course, the boarding school would reject Geertz above conclusions, they did learn and teach a variety of religious knowledge - Tauhud Science, Science of Fiqh, Science of Morals, Science Sufism and others - not merely mean to underestimate or do not relate to the problem- real-life problems in the world.
In fact, of the Religious Sciences they can explore and examine simultaneously run religious moral values ​​in every hand-side of life, both in terms of power, ethics, philosophy, economics and social interaction rules and matters relating to the subject- fundamental   life issues   that are   fundamental.
Minor assumptions above, actually is an opinion that is not supported by enough research about lembagalembaga boarding school, the statements   above are too exaggerated and highly subjective what waged without supported by sufficient evidence. Today, most of the adherents of the modern Islamic thought in some ways is a boarding school that is inclusive society stagnated, giving the impression of a rigid primordial group. This was denied by HAR
Gibb, that none of the streams in philosophy and religion that really stalled for six centuries.
 This opinion is significant with Dhofier Zamakhsyari opinion,   that in fact the basic structure of the religious life of Muslims - in this case the boarding school - has undergone profound changes, in which the process of change   Zamakhsyari Dhofier, Op. Cit, 1982, p.
 Wahid A. Zaini, Op. Cit, p.
The expansion has given rise to a force that is channeled in various forms of activity. The growing number of followers of the way clerics since the arrival of Islam in Java until now is a proof that the traditional Islam - boarding - has a vitality, a force of social, cultural and religious vitality has frozen impossible without change. View of conservative clerics instead produce a system   that is static, that produces a system in which the changes   were made ​​occurred gradually and through stages that are not easily observed.
 As these changes   actually occurred long ago, it appears in Snouck statement: 'Traditional Islam in Java kelihataanya so strong static and thus bound by the thoughts of scholars in medieval times,   actually   has   experienced   the changes that are very   fundamental,   but these changes through complicated stages and stored, because that, for observers who are less familiar with Islamic thought patterns, then these changes will not be visible,   although actually happening in front of his own eyes, except for those who   observe   it   carefully ' .
 Above opinion seems to give a signal that, in the period of   modern Indonesia today, pandok boarding schools continued to show its vitality as a force of social, cultural and religious buildings helped shape modern Indonesian culture.
 Dawam Rahardjo. M., et al., Op. Cit, 1974, p.
Regardless   of   the various trade   mark given by various parties about the boarding school, boarding school once faced with the global arena,   the information age, the millennium, and others, turned out to boarding school can still survive to this day with all its advantages and disadvantages. In fact, the development of quantitative boarding school did not decrease, even showing symptoms rise marked by the emergence of temporary boarding   boarding   new.
  Permasalahanya   now is whether the phenomenon of increase in quantity above the boarding school he attended also by improving the quality of personal and community   manifested in every   side of   life.
Departing from the reality of the above it can be concluded that the boarding school with all   keserhanaan and kesahajaannya   has unique characteristics that have to perform its function in building personal and community that is not owned by other institutions, so that boarding school can still exist in the current global world arena. This is the rationale for the writer to seek answers about the impact of the presence of a boarding school located in the middle of   the community to improve the quality of students especially resources on improving learning achievement of students is summarized in a chapter titled "Correlation   Between Education Boarding School Students With Learning achievement The MTs   An-Nur "which is a case study of An-Nur Islamic students Bululawang Malang living in Pondok Pesantren An-Nur I Bululawang Putra   Malang.
B.       Problem Formulation
Based on the above brief description of the reality of the boarding school as an educational institution in Indonesia's indigenous loaded with various advantages and disadvantages,   and in   the discussion of   the thesis   is to not undergo refraction problems, it can be formulated several basic problems including: 1. How students in educational activities An-Nur Islamic boarding school I Bululawang Son Malang? 2. How learning achievement Boarding School An-Nur I Bululawang Putra Malang became students of MTs? 3. How the correlation between educational boarding An-Nur I Son Bululawang the learning achievement of students who become students at MTs?
C.       Objectives Discussion
The   discussion of   the thesis   is   in accordance with the above problem formulation that aims to: 1. Knowing educational boarding school conducted by An-Nur I Bululawang Putra Malang.
2. Knowing clearly boarding school students learning achievement An-Nur I Bululawang son who was a student at An-Nur MTs.
3. Knowing the correlation between educational boarding school and the learning achievement of students is a student at An-Nur MTs.
D. Usability Research
In accordance with the formulation of the problem and the purpose of the above, this research can be used as: 1. Rides to find the education   that is conducted by educational institutions boarding An-Nur I Bululawang Putra Malang.
2. Rides   to find out the boarding school students learning achievement An-Nur I Bululawang son who was a student at An-Nur MTs, so that later can be used as a reference to determine the extent of the influence of the existence of   the lodge   boarding   the   condition of   achievement   of learning   students.
3. Rides to determine the correlation boarding school education and the learning achievement of students is a student at An-Nur MTs, so will   be able   to balance   between   quality   education   boarding school with students learning.
E. Research Methods
a. In the interview method of   preparing   a   research   necessary scientific   data that concrete to obtain valid results. So to obtain the data required an appropriate method. The method used in this paper are the author:   Mohammad Ali, Procedures and Strategies for Educational Research, (London: Space, 1987), p.
 Suharsimi Arikunto, Research Procedure A Practice, (New York: Literacy, 1992), p. 1 1. Methods Interview interview method is a method of data collection to obtain the information generated from the question and answer directly or indirectly. This is consistent with what is described by Ali who said that the interview or interview is one of the techniques of data collection conducted by question and answer, either directly or indirectly.
 The method   is   used   to   obtain   the data   about   the background of the boarding school and its activities   as well as matters related to this research.
2. Methods Documentation documentation method is a method of searching for data about things or variables in the form of notes, transcripts, books, newspapers, magazines, inscription, minutes of meetings, agendas and so forth.
This method is used to obtain data on the number of students in the form of notes, background and actual state boarding school.
3. Methods of Observation Method according Arikunto observation is the systematic observation and recording of the phenomena investigated are actually limited to observations made either directly or indirectly.
  Winarno Surachmad, National Teaching Methodology, (London: Jemmars, 1981), p. 1 This method is used to get about the location of the object of research, teaching and learning, orgnanisasi structures and so forth.
4. Methods Questionnaire questionnaire method is a research method to obtain the information or data by using or ask a list of questions to be sent or delivered to the respondents to be answered by the respondents. Surachmad said that the questionnaire is a data collection method to use or submit a list of questions to the respondents surveyed.
 This method is used to obtain personal information or data about the respondent or things related dengannnya.
b. Methods of Data Analysis In order to obtain information about the symptoms or status in the study, the data must be analyzed to achieve the research objectives. Steps taken by simplifying the data in the form of better and easier to read and interpret. The analysis of the data used in this study are:   Anas Sudjana, Introduction to Statistics Education, (New York: Eagle Press, 1987), p.
 Ibid, p. 2 1. Statistical Analysis percentages Description: P   = Percentage of F   = Frequency N   = Number of samples.
 2. Analysis Product Moment Data analysis product moment the rough numbers are used to find the correlation between education Boarding School Students with Learning Achievement. According to Anas Sudijono this technique is formulated as follows: Description: r   = Correlation X   =   Number of scores of independent variables X (Education Boarding Schools) Y   = Total score of the dependent variable (Achievement) XY   =   Number of times the score results of X and Y are pairs X    = Total score X   Y    Y = Total score   .
 F. Systematics Discussion To   facilitate a thorough discussion of the thesis,   the author needs to make a systematic discussion as follows.
The first chapter, consisting of preliminary background that suggests a problem, formulation of the problem, the purpose and usefulness of the research, discussion, and research methods and systematic discussion.
The second chapter consists of a theoretical study about the boarding school that also covers the history of the growth of the boarding school and boarding school, boarding element, the purpose of education boarding school, boarding school education system, school performance and correlation educational boarding school with students learning achievement.
The third chapter contains the real condition of the boarding school, among others-Islam, the history of the establishment and the data obtained from the field and presented using data analysis to determine the interpretation of the excavated at the same theoretical framework in the previous chapter.

Chapter four consists of the conclusions of the thesis is the result of thorough research and suggestions for future researchers to bridge if there is interest 

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