Rabu, 03 Desember 2014

Skripsi Sastra: Teaching Writing To The Fourth Grade In Sd Al Islam 3 Gebang, Surakarta

A.  Background.
Skripsi Sastra: Teaching Writing To The Fourth Grade In Sd Al Islam 3 Gebang, Surakarta
Communication is very important for our life.  We use  languages for  communicating  and  talking  to  each  other  every  day.  Nowadays,  we  do  not  need  only  one  language  but  also  we  need  more  than  one  language  for  our  conversation. If we master  other  languages  such as English language,  we will  not find any problem when we meet foreign tourists.  As we know, English as one of International languages is used by many countries all over the world as means of communication.

In  Indonesia,  English  is  still  difficult  to  learn  even  though  people  acknowledge  it.  Therefore,  English  begins  to  be  introduced  in  Elementary  Schools  because  the young learners are  easy  to absorb and to memorize the  foreign  language  that  they  have  never  gotten  before.  By  learning  English  language, the young learners will have ability in speaking foreign language.
Teaching  English  in  Elementary  Schools  focuses  on  English  as  functional  skills.  They  are  Listening,  Reading,  Speaking  and  Writing.  The  process  of  teaching  English  integrates  two  functional  skills,  listening  and  reading then speaking and writing. Listening and reading  are receptive skills  because  they  focus  on  receiving  information  from  outside  source.  Speaking  and writing are productive skills because they refer to produce information.     Teaching  English  in  Elementary  Schools  is  not  too  complex  than  teaching English in Junior High Schools, because  the materials in Elementary  Schools are still general and not complicated. As we know, the first until third  grade students  focus on  learning  vocabularies. In the fourth until sixth grade,  there are some complicated materials that are introduced such as  descriptive  text, simple past tense, and simple present countinous tense.
Writing is one of  skill in English lesson to  express our thoughts by  using  written  text.  Writing  is  a  combination  of  process  and  product.  The  process refers to act of gathering ideas and the product is written text that can  be read by the reader.
Teaching writing in Elementary Schools focuses simply on arranging vocabulary. The teachers think that if students  can understand the vocabulary  they can write the sentences correctly. Sometimes it is difficult for students to  write.  For  example  the  students  have  difficulties  in  memorizing  the  vocabularies  and  sometimes  they  do  not  know  how  to  translate  Indonesian word into English word.
The  writer  taught  the  writing  skill  in  SD  Al  Islam  3  Gebang,  Surakarta so she had to teach simple topic. The writer chose Time topic as the  material  to  be  taught  in  fourth  grade.  The  students  in  fourth  grade  of  elementary  school  are  young  learners.  Therefore  she  should  guide  them  in  teaching writing  so  that  they can produce a good written text.  Further, for her  final  project  report,  the  writer  presents  a  discussion  entitled  “TEACHING    WRITING  TO  THE  FOURTH  GRADE  IN  SD  AL  ISLAM  3  GEBANG,  SURAKARTA”.
B.  Objectives.
The objectives of this report are:.
1.  To describe the process of teaching Writing  ti the  fourth grade in SD Al Islam 3 Gebang, Surakarta.
2.   To find out the problem and solution  which give influence to the process  of teaching Writing in SD Al Islam 3 Gebang, Surakarta.
C.  Benefits.
It is hoped that the project will give benefits to:.
1.  The English Teachers in SD Al Islam 3 Gebang, Surakarta The writer hopes that the final project report  can be a reference to  the  English  teacher  especially  the  English  teachers  in  SD  Al  Islam  3  Gebang,  Surakarta,  in  order  to  know  the  problems  and  the  solutions  in  teaching writing.
2.  Students of English Diploma Program.
The writer hopes  that the final project  report can be a reference  to  the  students  of  English  Diploma  Program  who  choose  teaching  mainstream.
3.  The Reader.
The writer hopes that this project can be  useful for  the readers  in  order to obtain the information about how the teaching process happens.

 Skripsi Sastra: Teaching Writing To The Fourth Grade In Sd Al Islam 3 Gebang, Surakarta

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